Kaluza Analysis Software

Kaluza Analysis Software is designed to simply, efficiently, and quickly analyze multi-color data. Four simple control panels provide access to every aspect of your data.

Install the software on as many computers as needed and control access with the license option that fits your needs. A variety of single user and multi-user licenses are available. Learn more about the philosophy behind the Kaluza Analysis Software.

  • Loads any FCS compliant file through standard 3.1
  • Real time processing of multi-color files of up to 20 million events
  • Move compensated, transformed, and anonymized data sets to the Cytobank cloud platform with the Kaluza Cytobank Plugin
  • Innovative interface with workflow and ease of use as top priorities


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The Kaluza Philosophy

  • Context specific radial menus put functions at your fingertips
  • Four control panels access all aspects your data
  • Real time adjustments to data display

Upgrade to Version 2.1

The Kaluza Difference

Administrator Tools

  • Install the Network License Control Center on a shared server to manage 10 to over 1000 users
  • Create detailed usage reports and query logs for specific users
  • View current license keys and use to activate new keys



Explore Kaluza Models

Content and Resources

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Resource Type
Getting Started with Kaluza: Data Scaling and Compensation Adjustment Learn how to adjust the data scaling and fluorescence compensation of flow cytometry data in Kaluza by using the Add All Plots function, Spillover and Logicle Sliders.
Using Advanced Plot Types in Kaluza: Comparison Plots for Visualization of the TCR Vbeta Repertoire Introduces the Comparison Plot as a tool to compare several data sets in line or bar charts. See how Comparison Plots can be used to visualize a clonogram representation of the TCR Vβ repertoire.
Use Machine Learning Algorithms to Explore the Potential of Your High Dimensional Flow Cytometry Data Example of a 20–color Panel on CytoFLEX LX Understand how to perform machine learning algorithms like viSNE and FlowSOM to identify phenotypes of populations/subsets present in the 20–color CytoFLEX LX flow cytometry data
Assessment of T-cell receptor repertoire by flow cytometry using the Beta Mark TCR Vβ repertoire kit and Kaluza analysis software Discover a rapid and robust solution to investigate the TCR Vβ repertoire using flow cytometry
Designing Multi-Color Panels for T/Treg Populations using FITMaN Guidelines: a Case Study Authors: James W Tung, Jonel Lawson, Carlos A Garcia, Jeffrey R Cobb, Yetty Irwan, William Godfrey, Michael Reed, Enrique Rabellino | Beckman Coulter Inc, Cellular Analysis Business Group, Scientific Affairs, Miami FL

Technical Documents

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